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"Elaborate Lace" has been known as "The Lost Life of Wales" and "The Lost Story". It is the longest story Abbey Rose Gould has written. Very few people have read this Hetalia fanfiction because it is eight parts long, each part written in a separate journal, and each journal was sold on eBay.


This story shows how Wales' (Sarai Valkira) life would be altered if she had the ability to lie. She finds a beautiful dress that grants her the ability to do such when she wears it, but her lies only hurt herself. With her family alienating her, she moves out West and meets a young boy, Latvia (Raivis Galante).


Latvia tells horrific stories of things that go on in his home. Wales knows that she shouldn't interfere, but she'll do it gladly for the sake of this boy, but she doesn't feel she should use lies to save him. However, when Wales cannot get the dress off, she must turn to magic. Wales' family refuses to use theirs, and they hid her equipment from her, so there is only one person she can turn to.


Wales goes North to seek help from the one she hates most, Norway (Lukas Bondevik). However, his price is high. Is Wales willing to pay the price freedom will cost?


